Categories in Luxray Video Kodi Addon: Movies, Animation, TV Shows, Superheroes, Crime, History, Science, Stand Up Comedy, Live TV, Sports, Music, Food, and many more. You can download this addon from its own Luxray Repo.

How to Install Luxray Video Kodi Addon?

The installation procedure for Luxray Video addon is similar for all versions of Kodi. Before downloading this addon, you must enable the Unknown sources on the settings. Without enabling this setting, you can’t access unofficial sources to download the addons. #1: Click the Settings icon on the Kodi home screen. #2: Select File Manager. #3: Double-click Add Source. #4: Click . #5: Enter the source URL and click OK. Source URL: #6: Enter a name for your source and click OK. #7: After adding the source, get back to the main screen and click Addons. #8: Click the module icon. #9: Click Install from Zip File. #10: Select the source that you added for Luxray Addon. #11: Click the zip file which labelled as #12: By clicking the zip file, the Luxray repo will be installed on your Kodi. #13: After installing the repo, select Install from Repository. #14: Select the Luxar rep that you installed. #15: Select Video Addons. #16: Select Luxray Video. #17: Select Install. #18: Click OK when you prompted to download the dependencies. #19: After installation, launch the addon from the home screen and stream your media.

Alternatives for Luxray Kodi Addon

Here are the top 2 addons that you can use an alternative for Luxray addon:


Deathstar is a popular all-in-one addon that lets you stream 10 different types of video content on your device. You can stream movies, music, sports, live TV and more. Since it is a combination of 40 multiple addons, you will get the best quality streams from one place. You can download this addon from UKodi1 repo. Read how to install Deathstar Addon?

Maverick TV

Maverick TV is another all-in-one addon that streams TV shows, movies, documentaries, sports, anime and many more. It brings endless entertainment to your device by streaming the media in 4K resolutions. You can download this addon from its own Maverick TV repo. Read how to install Maverick TV addon?

Final Thoughts

Luxray is a well-designed addon and most of the links available in this addon are of high-quality. The only drawback of this addon is that it doesn’t have any search option to filter out the media. It is expected to be added in the feature updates. We hope the article will guide you to download this addon without any hassle and error. Thank you for visiting For further queries and feedback, feel free to leave a comment below.

How to Install Luxray Video Kodi Addon  With Screenshots  - 38How to Install Luxray Video Kodi Addon  With Screenshots  - 9How to Install Luxray Video Kodi Addon  With Screenshots  - 74How to Install Luxray Video Kodi Addon  With Screenshots  - 26How to Install Luxray Video Kodi Addon  With Screenshots  - 56How to Install Luxray Video Kodi Addon  With Screenshots  - 72How to Install Luxray Video Kodi Addon  With Screenshots  - 1How to Install Luxray Video Kodi Addon  With Screenshots  - 66How to Install Luxray Video Kodi Addon  With Screenshots  - 5How to Install Luxray Video Kodi Addon  With Screenshots  - 69How to Install Luxray Video Kodi Addon  With Screenshots  - 84How to Install Luxray Video Kodi Addon  With Screenshots  - 21How to Install Luxray Video Kodi Addon  With Screenshots  - 67How to Install Luxray Video Kodi Addon  With Screenshots  - 41How to Install Luxray Video Kodi Addon  With Screenshots  - 13How to Install Luxray Video Kodi Addon  With Screenshots  - 68How to Install Luxray Video Kodi Addon  With Screenshots  - 54How to Install Luxray Video Kodi Addon  With Screenshots  - 61How to Install Luxray Video Kodi Addon  With Screenshots  - 89