Recently Embracer Group bought Square’s Enix Western Wing comprising Crystal Dynamics, Eidos-Montréal, Square Enix Montréal, and a catalogue of intellectual properties that Square Enix has owned for decades, including Tomb Raider, Deus Ex, and Legacy of Kain at an extraordinary price of $300 million. Commenting on the acquisition CEO Lars Wingefors said: However, it doesn’t appear that they will soon end as Miller, who has previously reported on other commercial developments, tweeted that Embracer Group is now in negotiations with Marvel for a contract that goes well beyond Avengers.

— Miller (@mmmmmmmmiller) August 26, 2022 Embracer Group has recently dominated the market; their presence in the gaming business is evidenced by the fact that they now have over 230 games in production and over 120 game development companies. The purchase may turn out to be advantageous for Marvel Studios and its audience since it may bring back highly anticipated films like Guardians of the Galaxy and encourage the creation of new rumored ones like Black Panther. The predicted agreement with Marvel could lead to the opening of new doors for the Embracer Group as well as the fans. However, no official statement has been released from either the sides hence we can only hope for the rumored deal to take place.