Recently, Bloomberg reported that Apple’s VP of Advertising Platforms, Todd Teresi, wants to significantly expand the advertising business to double digits from the current $4 billion every year. Moreover according to the Bloomberg article, Apple’s advertising team has also moved up in the company’s priority and the ad group’s vice president, Todd Teresi, now directly reports to current Apple services chief Eddy Cue.  Apple already displays ads across many of it’s services, like the App Store, Apple News, Apple TV+ and more. But the company could now be planning to display ads on Apple Maps. Google already offers ad services on its Maps platform, where businesses could pay to feature higher on certain searches. Apple Maps could have a similar form of advertisement, and according to the Bloomberg article, the idea has already been explored internally.  Another reason behind the aggressive push for ads across Apple’s platforms could be that the ad business is under pressure itself. As Tim Cook points out in Apple’s recent financial results, the company expects weaker ad growth due to economic headwinds. So it would make perfect sense to increase the ad collection base by introducing it to more platforms across Apple’s ecosystem. – Apple CEO, Tim Cook, on Q3 2022 Financial Results So what does this mean for you? Probably more ads on your iPhone, and with any luck, the less annoying ones.